In Memoriam : Rocky Moser
Eloy Rivera - July 22, 2011 ![]()
To the Moser Family,
I'd like to express my most sincere and deeply heartfelt condolences; Rocky was one of my best friends during the late '70's.
I met Rocky when I worked for Berryfast; I worked on one side of the plant and Rocky worked in the machine shop. Rocky introduced me to the music he listened to and I loved it, I remember him having a Buick Regal and he had the most incredible sound system in his car. He was so much fun to be around, always full of life and laughter. With Rocky and I, if we happened to run across eachother no matter how many years it would have been, it would have been like old times all over again, our friendship was solid and I've missed him for many years now as I've not seen him since I moved to Los Angeles back in 1982. I never got to meet any of his kids nor did I know he had any kids but I'm so glad to now know that he did. I know his memory will live on in my heart as well as all of hia family and other friends; He was simply a GREAT GUY and my heart how is so saddened to know I'll never see him again in THIS life; one day however, I'll see him again in God's presence with all of God's Angels surrounding us.
May God comfort all of Rocky's family and friends and strengthen you all during this very difficult time.
I'm so so sorry to have heard this news of my dear friend Rocky ~
God Bless You All and Comfort You ~
Eloy D. Rivera
Diana Rogers-Howard - July 23, 2011 ![]()
I would like to express my condolences to your family. I had the opportunity to meet Rocky when I was about 13 years old. He was a thoughtful, caring, wonderful, kind person with always a smile. He became a good friend to our family. I always thought of him as a big teddy bear and a gentle giant. He was well known and well liked. Although I haven't seen him in years, whenever I would see Kim around the hospitals or town, I always would ask about him. I pray that God will comfort his family and Bless each one knowing what a wonderful person that God chose to take. It seems he takes the best first. Again, may God bless and give you strength during this difficult time. Sincerely, Diana Rogers-Howard
Sonja Woodward - July 25, 2011 ![]()
Were are so sorry for your loss, Michael really wants to be there. Rocky was Michael's best friend & he loved him like a brother, we love you all very much & pray that GOD comforts you all.
Michael Woodward - July 25, 2011 ![]()
I met my friend and brother in life Rocky Moser in 1989, and we became instant friends. We went through many things together, some good and some bad. For the most part we always worked the things out in life through long talks, rocking out to good music, and lots of eating and movie watching. He was my closest friend. He would always help me look towards the better things in life, and with a smile and some Rocky wisdom; my troubles seem to turn in to just the things that were meant to strengthen me and laugh at, in joking innuendo’s between one another. Rocky always said we were like brothers from the time we met. This seemed to be true, Rocky and the whole Moser family made me and my family fill like a part of their family from day I entered into their lives. My heart goes out to the whole Moser family in this valley of their lives. They are truly in my family’s thoughts and prayers. We love you guys and your family will always be with us. God loves Rocky and always took care of him; Rocky has gone to be with God in heaven. Now he lives with our Lord and Savor Christ Jesus. I’ll see you and your dad again someday in Heaven and we’ll be laughing at those joking innuendos once again. I love you brother, God Bless You, and I’ll miss you until we see each other once again.
Michael Woodward