In Memoriam : George Lavers, MD
Bruce Hall MD - April 3, 2010 ![]()
My association with George Lavers MD dates back to the summer of 1981 when I arrived in Lindsay as a brand new internist. To my horror, I discovered that if I had a surgical patient, then I was the surgical assistant. Fortunately, George was the surgeon tasked with turning me into competent help. His total command of the operating room, the patient and the surgical field calmed me and as the cases mounted, my panic eased and I began to appreciate the learning experience. As he became more comfortable with my abilities, the teaching expanded to comprehensive anatomical tours of the abdomen, pathology, physiology and the history of medicine. In addition,I heard stories of his army time, the training years and health care in Tulare County. I learned the difference between "physicians" and "surgeon-barbers". George was proud of the fact that he could cut hair or give a shave just as professionally as he could take out a necrotic gallbladder or resect a malignant colon lesion. His availability and skill truly saved the lives of many of my patients and contributed to the good reputation of our beloved Lindsay District Hospital. Thank you George for your friendship and your contribution to my professional development. Bruce C. Hall MD FACP In his honor, I am making a contribution to Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders)
Lisa Dillon - April 7, 2010 ![]()
To the family of Dr. Lavers,
I feel I should at least acknowledge the passing of Dr. Lavers for my late mother, Vi Darst. She was an LVN at TDH for years and always admired Dr. Lavers. In the early 80's, she became very ill and could not get anyone to listen to her and so she called Dr. Lavers(something she would never do unless it was an emergency) to see if he would help her. He didn't hesitate, had her brought straight the the ER, admitted her and did emergency surgery. She had a ruptured appendix and it was almost too late for her because gangrene had set in. She was in the hospital for more than a week under his care and he was so attentive to her. Our family was overwhelmed at the amount of attention he paid to her. We will never forget the kindess and compassion he showed to her.
Physicians like Dr Lavers are few and far between. My sincerest sympathy to the family and may God bless you all.
Lisa Dillon/Tulare
Ed Heim - December 20, 2010 ![]()
I just heard about Dr. Lavers passing and I wish to give my heart felt condolences to his family. I worked with Dr. Lavers at Tulare District Hospital from 1974-1990. He was a highly respected man and surgeon by all those who knew him. He always kept himself in excellent physical condition and his ability on the ski slopes was the envy of many. We will miss you friend and may you RIP Ed Heim